Monday, February 9, 2009

90+ more days

Wow so I think that is has been at least a month since I have posted.... But I don't think anybody has noticed. A lot has happened since the last one, so let me get everyone up to speed. Back in Dec. I got engaged to the worlds greatest man and have been trying to plan the wedding and work full time all while still trying to get in all of the runs. I think that it might be harder then running a marathon. But I think that I was so scared that I would leave something out that I now have most of the big stuff taken care of with a little over 3 months to go.
I have some really BIG races coming up at the end of Feb. and I have not had much time to get in really long runs for the Ultras so I might have to pull it out of my... (well you know what.) Glute. I will be running in the Cowtown Ultra at the end of Feb. So please keep me in your thoughts on the 28th.
Other then wedding planning, running and work while looking for a new job, or a way to go back to school nothing huge has happened since the big question. Oh beside I get to practice my baby skills, I am going to be a first time anut this June. I can not wait for baby "V" to come. ( but lets hope not too soon.)


T Z said...

Nobody noticed??? Maybe I need to be the blog sheriff and poke you blog slackers with a stick from time to time.

Are you still thinking of doing the 50K double....Cowtown/AOK? Myself, I am thinking I may JUST do AOK. Still thinking though.

Bobby said...

We notice when the posts don't come very often. We like to keep up with everyone.

Good luck with your first ultra. With the right desire, determination and training, anyone can do it.

Susan Michaels said...

Good luck on your ultra. I know you can do it.
Good Luck with the wedding and finding a new job.
I am glad you posted on your blog again because I did miss it so keep them coming.